Religious Prodigies and Historical Criticism
Marco Corvaglia's website
Useful Resources
- Apparitions and Miracles of the Sun, by Prof. Auguste Meessen, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
To explain all observed facts [...] is possible in terms of natural, but very peculiar physiological processes.
- A. Meessen, Apparitions and Miracles of the Sun (2003)
- Critical study (in Italian) by neurophysiologist Dr. Francesco D'Alpa:
Medjugorje. La frode e l'estasi [Medjugorje. Fraud and Ecstasy] (2017)
There is an obvious discrepancy between the meanness (and even the inconsistency) of the data obtained and the claim that they have scientifically proven value.
- F. D'Alpa, Medjugorje. La frode e l'estasi (2017)
- Critical Study of Medical Explorations of the Medjugorje Seers, by Prof. Théophile Kammerer, President of the Lourdes International Medical Commitee (1986).
As to their level, these tests remain superficial [....] Despite this, all the sophisticated techniques impress the simple-minded readers.
- T. Kammerer, Critical Study of Medical Explorations of the Medjugorje Seers (LIMC, 20 September 1986)
- Donal Anthony Foley, Medjugorje Complete. The Definitive Account of the Visions and the Visionaries, Angelico Press, 2021
- Documents Issued by the Mostar Bishopric:
R. Perić (Bishop), The Attacks of the Medjugorje "Apparition" Against the Diocesan Bishop Pavao Žanić [Croatian version: Napadi međugorske pojave na dijecezanskoga biskupa Pavla Žanića, "Službeni vjesnik", 1/2018, pp. 108-114]
R. Perić (Bishop), The First Seven Days of the "Apparitions" in Medjugorje [Croatian version: Medjugorska "ukazanja" u prvih sedam dana, "Službeni vjesnik", 1/2017, pp. 115-118]
R. Perić (Bishop), The Deviations of Medjugorje [Croatian version: Međugorske stranputice, "Službeni vjesnik", 1/2012, pp. 97-102]
The Twelfth Anniversary of the Death of Bishop Žanić [Croatian version: O 12. obljetnici smrti biskupa Žanića, "Službeni vjesnik", 1/2012, p. 94]
The Spiritual Vocations of the "Seers of Medjugorje" [Croatian version: Duhovna zvanja 'međugorskih vidjelaca', "Službeni vjesnik", 1/2010, pp. 114-122]
R. Perić (Bishop), Questionable Games Surrounding the "Great Sign" [Croatian version: Dvosmislene igre oko 'velikoga znaka', "Službeni vjesnik", 3/2009, pp. 270-279]
R. Perić (Bishop), Vlašić's involvement in the "Medjugorje phenomenon": Part 1 Part 2 [Croatian version: Vlašićeva upletenost u 'meÄ‘ugorski fenomen', "Službeni vjesnik", 2/2009, pp. 181-189]
Ogledalo Pravde. Biskupski ordinarijat u Mostaru o navodnim ukazanjima i porukama u Međugorju (The Diocesan Curia of Mostar on The Alleged Apparitions and Messages of Medjugorje), Mostar, 2001
P. Žanić (Bishop), The Truth About Medjugorje (1990)
The majority of the pious public has naively fallen victim of the great propaganda. These people themselves have become the greatest propaganda for the events. They do not even stop to think that the truth has been hidden by deliberate falsehoods.
- Msgr. Pavao Žanić, formerly bishop of Mostar, The Truth About Medjugorje (1990)​
The numerous absurd messages, lies, falsehoods and disobedience associated from the beginning with the events and "apparitions" of Medjugorje refute every claim of authenticity.
- Msgr. Ratko Perić, formerly bishop of Mostar, "Crkva na kamenu", No 4, 2006
- Medjupedia, Louis Bélanger's website:
Medjugorje: The Grand Concealment – “Three More Days”: The Facts (2010)
Medjugorje: The unbearable sadness of duping the faithful – Fr. Laurentin’s fabrication concerning the father of a nun’s child (2012): Part 1 Part 2